
First Prize Winner Over 18 Jos Ceccanti


First Prize Winner Under 12 Poppy Scherf


Runner Up Prize Over 18 Fiona McLennan


Runner Up Prize Under 12 Kirsten McLennan

​Congratulations to our winners of the ROCKTOBER poster competition!

Judge Janet Grealy made her decision and winners were announced on Fay Mason’s “Brunch” program on Wednesday 21 October.

Prizes are:  Up to 12 years 1st prize (

Poppy Scherf

) – $50 voucher from Tawonga South Newsagency and Post Office.  Runner up prize (

Kirsten McLennan

) – $25 voucher from Swiss and Chips.

Over 18 years 1st prize (

Jos Ceccanti

)  – Takeaway meals for two from Roi’s Restaurant. Runner up prize (

Fiona McLennan

) – $25 voucher from Swiss and Chips.

Thank you for your participation in this fun event and to our wonderful sponsors for donating these great prizes.