- July ’19 – Alpine Radio was saddened by the illness and subsequent death of one of our presenters, Traudy Homolka. Traudy was on holiday in Coffs Harbour when she was taken ill.
- Alpine Radio received a grant of $10,200 from Community Broadcasting Foundation (CBF) to assist with Station Manager Salaries, and $1000 (also from CBF) to assist in running our RPH (Radio for those with a print disability) programs.
- June ’19 – The station adopted an “Acknowledgement of Country” voice-over to start each day’s transmission, and for all committee and general meetings held by the station.
- February ’19 – The station lodged its Application for Renewal of Community Radio Licence with the approving body, Australian Media Communications Authority (ACMA). Licences are renewable every 5 years. ACMA responded by saying that the application has been successful, and Alpine Radio has approval to continue to broadcast for another 5 years.
- January ’19 – (1) Alpine Radio was awarded “Community Organisation of the Year” at the 2019 Alpine Shire Australia Day Awards. Two new air-conditioners were installed to replace very old units that had expired – one was installed in the tech room to ensure the technical equipment stays at a constant temperature all the time – and one in the small conference room where the Committee meets. Much needed in a very cold winter or a boiling hot summer’s day.
- November ’18 – Alpine Radio wins the “Outstanding Small Station Award” at the 2018 Community Broadcasting Association of Australia Awards.
- October ’18 – At the Annual General Meeting, Alpine Radio adopted a new Constitution and Rules. Main changes were the adoption of a new set of “Purposes”, fixed terms for executive committee members, increased quorum for AGM to 17 members, and a provision of appeal by a person if an application for membership is rejected by the committee.
- September ’18 – Rob O’Connor receives the Warwick Randall Award for Excellence in Volunteering.
- June ’18 – Grant money totaling $9841 was received from Community Broadcasting Foundation (CBF) for salary subsidy ($7000), new CD player ($400), licencing frequency transfer $741) and Operational Costs ($1,700). Many thanks to CBF for the grants which assist us so much financially.
- November ’17 – Alpine Radio is an award finalist at the CBAA Awards 2017.
- August ’17 – Nick Brown receives the Warwick Randall Award for Excellence in Volunteering.
- November ’16 – Family Violence Campaign – Following on from a webinar held by Community Broadcasting Association of Australia (CBAA), Alpine Radio put together a series of announcements to highlight community awareness of family violence, and alert listeners to local contact numbers should they feel that they or a friend or relative may be experiencing family violence. The campaign was developed with the assistance of Lisa Neville from Alpine Health and the Centre Against Violence in Wangaratta. Thanks so much Lisa and the Centre for input into this campaign.
- November ’16 – Mount Beauty Airport Association invited Alpine Radio to hold an Outside Broadcast as part of their ‘Gathering of the Moths’ fly-in. A successful and enjoyable day with many visitors joining the team in the OB caravan.
- 22nd October ’16 – Alpine Radio held an Outside Broadcast to assist with the Harrietville Primary School 150th Anniversary celebrations. Congratulations to the organisers of the celebrations, which were well-attended and a great success, and the OB was also very successful, lots of interviews with ex-students and a very historic day.
- August ’16 – Jocelyn Scherf negotiates with the Committee and Margaret Randall to establish the Warwick Randall Award for Excellence in Volunteering. Dick Puttyfoot receives the inaugural Warwick Randall Award.
- 23rd August ’16 – Alpine Radio celebrated its 13th birthday at Settler’s Hotel, Tawonga South with a party and awards ceremony. Alpine Radio welcomed new life members Margaret Randall, who gave a heartfelt speech, Wendy Blake and Dick Puttyfoot (in absentia).
- 6th August ’16 – An Outside Broadcast (OB) was held on Saturday 6th August at Dederang Football Oval- Glenn Spencer, Kenny Gilmore, & Richie Kreuser ran the OB which was loads of fun and interesting to listen to. This was during the last home and away game of the Dederang/Mount Beauty Football and Netball Club, and many thanks to Rob O’Connor and Ken Halse for organising the technical aspects of the broadcast.
- Vale Warwick Randall (life member, passed away 11 April 2016) – Listeners to Alpine Radio were sad to hear of the death of presenting stalwart Warwick Randall. Warwick had been presenting up to 5 programs a week for Alpine Radio, pretty much from the first broadcast some 13 years ago. Warwick was a life member of the station, and had just begun to wind back to three programs a week, when he became ill and retired suddenly—he was hospitalised and died within a few weeks, from complications associated with a form of dementia. Warwick was much loved for presenting great programs of music of all styles, including big bands, jazz, nostalgia, golden oldies, and some of us were surprised to learn that in the early days of Alpine Radio, Warwick even presented a country program, such was his love and knowledge of all types of music. Alpine Radio committee and members wish Warwick’s wife Margaret and his family all the best, and we fondly remember the Old Fogies program, with both Warwick and Margaret seemingly at loggerheads but putting it on for the listeners – or were they???
- January, February and March ’16 – Alpine Radio, through Community Media Training Organisation (CMTO), ran a short course which formed part of a Certificate III in Media Studies. Our trainer was Danae Gibson from Melbourne. Those attending reported great progress, and enjoyed the course content and the learning experience. Many thanks to Danae and CMTO for organising this training. Danae is very experienced in community radio, having managed JOY-FM in Melbourne, and being in community radio for many years.
- January, February and March ’16 – we had a spate of Outside Broadcasts (OBs), as Rob, Dick and Ken, our fabulous technicians, had purchased and developed a new OB set-up using a Codec Tie-Line, which worked brilliantly and we were able to transmit without relying on Skype for the presenter’s audio. Overall the new set-up is more reliable than the old, which was set up by Paul L’Huillier and Rob O’Connor and had served us well for over 10 years. The OBs included:
- Harrietville Bush Markets in January—a terrific day and a great market…
- Bright Brewery in January—we had loudspeakers right behind us that unfortunately gave us some feedback through our microphones, but otherwise the set-up worked well. Many thanks to James, the Marketing Manager at the Brewery, for the opportunity to try something a little bit different, for his assistance, and for the great playlists of new Australian talent, mainly easy listening acoustic!
- Australia Day Ceremony, Mount Beauty. This worked well until we lost line of sight from the radio microphone to the caravan (too many tall people!!), and then Les Weibenger from the local Lions club pulled the plug on us—when he disconnected the power to the Lions BBQ area, he disconnected the radio too—thanks Les! Luckily Rob was there to save the day and restore music from the studio.
- Sweet Valley Sounds Festival—as Ken Halse said: “this will be our best OB” and he was right! At Sweet Valley Sounds, we had a “first” for Alpine Radio… the first time we have had a “live” feed direct from the sound stage’s mixer, so we were able to broadcast live performances of three of the main acts including Millie and Tallon, The Jitterbugs and Mitch King. The sound quality was fantastic—yes, we’d love to do that again!! In addition Jos interviewed several of the acts.

December ’15 – New Codec equipment. Rob, Dick and Ken, our technical officers, are close to final testing of our new Codec equipment, which will improve the quality of our Outside Broadcasting transmissions. Keep a watch out for further updates early in January 2016.
The station appointed two new Station Managers: Jos Scherf as Station Manager (Marketing) and Linda Parkinson as Station Manager (Admin). Training started in earnest for Jos and Linda in January 2016.
Alpine Radio held twotraining courses in Emergency Services Management, training a total of about 20 people who can be rostered, if necessary, for 24 hour broadcasting in the event of an emergency (mainly bushfire or flood) in our listening area.
Dick Puttyfoot and Jos Scherf were instrumental in getting the Outside Broadcast caravan painted by Dederang Primary School students, who did an AWESOME job and the caravan looks terrific. Well done to all concerned, including the Dederang Primary School staff who pitched in and assisted as well.
November ’15 – A first for Alpine Radio – we have been given a Grant by Community Broadcasting Foundation (CBF) to run a short course training program through CMTO (Community Media Training Organisation) and the course started in December with a Webinar for intending trainees. The course continues as a face to face training course in January through to April 2016, using the Mount Beauty Neighbourhood Centre training facilities. The course is a prelude to and counts towards, a Certificate III in Media. Eight of our presenters have applied to do this course.
June ’15 – Our President Bill Sutton (Whiskers) suffered a stroke mid-year and although he is making a terrific recovery, will need full-time care for some time and has some residual physical impairments which will prevent him from getting back to radio on a regular basis. Yvonne, his wife, and our then Station Manager is looking after Bill full-time and, therefore, has had to give up the Station Manager’s role. Wendy Blake and Nick Brown had been acting as fill-in Station Managers since Bill’s illness.
May ’15 – Roadside Signage – The last of our promotional signs was installed, meaning we have at least two, sometimes three signs on the major roads leading to our main centres, Bright, Mount Beauty and Harrietville, advising motorists which frequency to tune to, in order to listen to Alpine Radio, and in particular, where they will receive information in the event of an emergency. Thanks to Bendigo Bank and the Community Broadcasting Foundation for the funds to make and install the signs, and to the landowners and shop-owners who have given their permission for us to install signs on their properties. VicRoads has also installed signs advising of our frequencies “In an Emergency”.
8 June ’14 – Outside Broadcast Caravan. Alpine Radio bought a caravan for the purpose of converting it into an Outside Broadcast van. Rod Hyde has agreed to project manage the refurbishment of the caravan and then we will have it painted and hopefully it will be ready for spring/summer outside broadcasts later in 2014.
20 January ’14 – Leanne Lance was appointed as Alpine Radio’s new Program Development Officer, in charge of developing new programs and is also hosting “Neighbourhood News” and “Made in the Alpine Valleys”, both interview programs with a community focus. The station has received a grant of $10,950 to reimburse Leanne for her work on this project.
3 January ’14 – Harrietville Transmitter installed. Alpine Radio is now broadcasting into Harrietville on 94.5 FM. The Harrietville TV Committee were instrumental in assisting the station with the planning and organising to complete the project. Alpine Radio technicians Rob O’Connor and Dick Puttyfoot with assistance from Paul L’Huillier and three Harrietville TV Committee members installed the necessary equipment to start transmitting into the town located at the foot of the mountains at the head of the Ovens Valley. An ABC Transmitter was also installed at the same time so residents can now listen to the National Broadcaster on 98.7 FM. A grant of $5,000.00 from the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR) in partnership with the John T Reid Charitable Trust made sure the project was completed.
30 September ’13 – Station held its 10th Birthday. The first broadcast was on 23rd August 2003 from a shop in Hollonds Street, Mount Beauty. Three life memberships were presented by Bill Sykes (MP-Benalla) to Bill Sutton, Yvonne Sutton and Warwick Randall. Fifty people were in attendance.
5 February ’13 – Installation of a relay transmitter at the Bogong Estate, Damms Road, Tawonga (4km north of the Station). This has been located there to improve the signal to the Big Hill transmitter. So the signal goes from the Station to Bogong Estate then to Big Hill and Apex Hill in the Ovens Valley. Dick Puttyfoot and Rob O’Connor were responsible for this project.
23 April ’13 – Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR) Grant. A grant of $5000 was received to install transmission equipment in Harrietville.
21 January ’13 – Kate Farrell was appointed as our first Program Development Officer following a successful application for a Program Development grant from Community Broadcasting Foundation (CBF) of $9,125. Jo Zananiri took over this role in July 2013 until she resigned in December 2013 to work on a another unrelated project.
10 January ’13 – Community Broadcasting Foundation (CBF) Grant. The station received a grant of $5000 to do a series of programs entitled “An Early Jazz History of Victoria”. Nick Brown is working on this project, and as at mid-July 2014 four programs have been completed, with three to go to air shortly. The series is likely be picked up by the Community Radio Network (CRN) late 2014 or early 2015 for distribution to other community radio stations.
17 January ’12 – Installation of a diesal Generator to service the station in the event of a total power outage during an emergency situation e.g. fire, flood etc. The generator was funded through a grant from the Foundation for Regional and Rural Revival (FRRR). Dick Puttyfoot and Rob O’Connor were responsible for this project.
17 October ’11 – Opening of the new downstair Studios by Alpine Shire Mayor Nino Mautone. Nino presented president Bill Sutton with a plaque to be hung prominently in the station foyer. There were 60 people in attendance including local Victorian MP Bill Sykes. Following the opening attendees were invited for a morning tea and a tour of the studios.
Bill also presented Robert O’Connor with a Life Membership for his 10 years of service as the station’s Technical Officer. Rob has been responsible for the transmission of the signal into the Kiewa and Ovens Valleys.
20 August ’11 – First broadcast into the Ovens Valley on 92.9 FM from a transmitter on Apex Hill Lookout near Bright Vic. The signal is broadcast from the station at the Mount Beauty Visitor Information Centre Precinct then to Big Hill (1,250m) in the Kiewa Valley and then to Apex Hill Lookout (600m). It is received at Apex Hill Lookout on 96.5 FM and re-transmitted on 92.9 FM. Our technicians Rob O’Connor and Dick Puttyfoot have done all the technical work to make this happen.
17 August ’11 – At the stations AGM incoming president Bill Sutton presented Paul L’Huillier with Life Membership. Paul has been on the committee since the station was formed in August 2001. He has held the positions of president, secretary, treasurer and has been the IT co-ordinator.
10 March ‘11 – Alpine Radio is now an Official Emergency Services Broadcaster. The station and the Office of the Emergency Services Commissioner (represented by acting ES Commissioner Joe Buffone) signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) at a ceremony held at the station and attended by representatives of all emergency service organisations in the Valley. Note: The station had been notified on 25 January 2011 that it had finally been recognised as an official emergency services broadcaster.
20 February ‘11 – Alpine Radio officially took over the housing and operation of the Mount Beauty Weather Station. Alpine Radio owns the weather station (donated by the Mt Beauty Chamber of Commerce) and computer/software (donated by Tony & Lyn Beggs). The data is uploaded to the stations website and is available live for public access at <www.weather.alpineradio.com.au>.
12 February ‘11 – A big day for Alpine Radio – the move to the new studios downstairs after 4.5 years of effort. The station had an excellent roll up of volunteers to move furniture, computers, the CD & Record library plus heaps of other stuff. Rob O’Connor and Dick Puttyfoot had the difficult job of completing the technical work to get us back on-air by Sunday evening. We had been running auto programming during the move. The first broadcast occurred Sunday evening 13 February ’11 at 6:00pm with presenter Derek Hutton broadcasting his ‘Sunday Night Classics’ program.
3 February ’11 – Through the Alpine Shire’s Community Grants Program the station was allocated $5,000.00 towards the completion of the ‘studio relocation to downstairs’ project.
25 January ’11 – The Office of the Emergency Services Commissioner (OESC) notified Alpine Radio that it was now an ‘Official Emergency Services Broadcaster’.
12 November ’10 – Station was successful in obtaining a Community Broadcasting Foundation (CBF) salary subsidy grant to assist it to employ a part-time station manager.
12 March ’10 – The station completed its change over to broadcasting only on 96.5 FM (92.5 FM has been turned off). The signal now goes directly from the station to Big Hill. Plans our in progress to improve the signal into the Ovens Valley i.e. it is investigating the possiblility of locating another tramsmitter on Apex Hill near Bright. A number of working bees were organised during the change over period arranged by our Technical Officer Rob O’Connor. Those in attendance were: Dick Puttyfoot, Derek Hutton, Paul L’Huillier and Ian Erbacher.
28 February ’10 – The Australian Communication and Media Authority (ACMA) approved the stations Licence Renewal Application for another five years.
7 January ’10 – The station moved its transmitter to Big Hill and commenced broadcasting on 96.5 FM. It also planned to continue to broadcast on 92.5 FM for a couple of months to sort out any problems.
26 November ’09 – The station was informed by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) that they will extend the licence area of Community radio broadcasting service 3VKV, known as ‘Alpine Radio’ to include the townships of Bright, Dederang and Falls Creek. This will involve: 1. the moving of our transmitter to Big Hill, 2. being allocated a new frequency (96.5 FM) and 3. granting us extra transmitting power. This is excellent news as this has been a four year project by the station to get better coverage throughout the Alpine Shire.
12 August ’09 – At the station’s 2009 Annual General Meeting Mary Smith was honoured with a Life Membership in recognition of her contributions and service in the development of the station during its first eight years of operation. In particular, her vision to start a community radio station in the Upper Kiewa Valley, her six years as President, and her dedicated service as a presenter and the manager of sponsorships and production.
2 June ’09 – The station was informed by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) that they had investigated the possiblity of us moving our transmitter to Big Hill and being allocated a new frequency. This is excellent news as this has been a three and half year project by the station to get better coverage throughout the Alpine Shire. We wait for the next stage of the process.
24 May ’09 – The station was successful in obtaining a Foundation (CBF) Grant to purchase a laptop computer and wide screen monitor for the specific purpose of conducting Outside Broadcasts (OB).
4 December ’08 – The station was successful in obtaining a Round 1 Community Development Grant from the Alpine Shire to assist with Stage 2 of the Station’s Relocation Project. This will comprise the construction of the ‘shell’ within the large Shire building to house the three studios (main, production and training), a music library, reception area and manager’s office.
28 November ’08 – An historical event took place outside the Mt Beauty Post Office. The station conducted its first ‘REAL’ outside broadcast via the internet. We used a broadband connection supplied by the post office and using two software programs, namely LogMeIn and Skype we were able to remotely operate the studio computer and talk via the Skype connection just as if the presenter was in the studio. Amazing!! Mary Smith has been presenting her morning breakfast program (from home) over the internet for the last two months as she is unable to access the upstairs studio due to her ankle injury.
16 April ’08 – Stage 1 (Toilet and Kitchen) of the Station’s Relocation Project is at the finalisation stage and is now in use.
5 December ’07 – Station was successful in obtaining a salary subsidy grant from the Community Broadcasting Foundation (CBF) to assist it to employ a part-time station manager and sponsorship manager. The Alpine Shire, through its Community Development Grants Program, is assisting the station to complete Stage 1 of its station relocation project. The station also received further CBF funding to continue with its training of presenters in ‘Certificate III in Radio Broadcasting’.
16 March ’07 – Permit for our Station Relocation Project approved by the Alpine Shire. It is all go now to build the toilets (Stage 1) as part of our relocation of the station downstairs to give us more room and allow better access for members of the community. Rob O’connor together with Eric Harvey are co-ordinating this project.
1 January ’07 – Alpine Radio submitted an application to the Australian Communication and Media Authority (ACMA) for a Second Broadcasting Licence . The plan is to place a 100 Watt transmitter on Big Hill to gain greater coverage of the Kiewa Valley including Falls Creek and broadcast into the Ovens Valley including Bright.
10-24 December ’06 – The December Bushfires threatened the towns of Mt Beauty, Tawonga, Tawonga South, Bogong Village and the ski resort of Falls Creek. Presenters where on-air 24/7 broadcasting up-to-date information (supplied by the incident control centres of the CFA and DSE) to the residents of the Upper Kiewa Valley. It was truely a community effort during this trying period by all voluntary organisations and Alpine Radio was proud to be able to assist by communicating regular fire updates.
1 September ’06 – Alpine Radio appointed its first Part-time paid Station Manager with Mary Smith gaining the appointment. Mary is contracted to work 10 hours (Monday to Friday) on a consultancy fee basis. She will also earns commissions on sponsorships sourced.
1 June ’06 – Alpine Radio received a Community Broadcasting Foundation (CBF) Training Grant to conduct accredited training for presenters. Four broadcasting modules will be offered in the TAFE ‘Certificate in Broadcasting’ to 15 presenters in the second half of ’06. Our training co-ordinator Bill Sutton is co-ordinating the training program with assistance from Dorothy Morrison and Cathy Gunn.
26 January ’06 – Alpine Radio was awarded the Alpine Shire 2005 Community Organisation of the Year. The station was presented with the award at the Australian Day ceremony held in the Swimming Pool gardens.
5/6 November ’05 – Alpine Radio hosted the 2005 AGM, management meeting, presentations and associated activities for the Southern Community Media Association (SCMA) . Eight community stations were represented. On the Sunday morning the delegates had a tour of Falls Creek, the Bogong High Plains and Alpine National Park finishing with a BBQ at Bogong Village.
21 October ’05 – The station held its first Sponsors Party for all past and current sponsors at the station. This was an opportunity for sponsors to meet the current committee, look over the station and to voice a sponsorship of their own.
18 October ’05 – The station conducted its first Satellite test broacast at 9:30pm using the ComRadSat program “Smoky Dawson’s Country Showcase.
20 September ’05 – The station received a grant from the Community Broadcasting Foundation (CBF) for a Digital Delivery Network Player i.e. a computer with special software. This computer combined with the satellite will enable us to record programs from other sources and play them later to fit in with our program schedule.
4 July ’05 – A Community Radio Satellite (ComRadSat) dish was erected on the roof of the station. The station is working towards getting a satellite receiver/decoder, audio balancing amplifier and Digital Delivery Network Player (computer) that will allow online ordering, automated recording of Community Radio Satellite (ComRadSat) programs for later replay. The system will allow Alpine Radio to greatly diversify its programming schedule and offer many excellent programs not otherwise available to a small community like ours.
7 February ’05 — Alpine Radio conducted its first official Listener Survey targeting all mail boxes in Mt Beauty and all post office boxes in Mt Beauty, Tawonga South and Tawonga. A distribution to 1,100 households.
1 February ’05 – Alpine Radio was issued with its Permanent Broadcasting Licence by the Australian Broadcasting Authority (ABA) after 18 months of broadcasting on a temporary licence. The ABA and the ACA have amalgamated and are now called the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA).
26 January ’05 — Our president Mary C Smith was awared the Alpine Shire Local Achiever Award for 2005 at the Australia Day Ceremony conducted in the Swimming Pool gardens at Mount Beauty.
1 November ’04 — Alpine Radio was awarded the Alpine Shire Business & Tourism Judges Encouragement Award for 2004
20 October ’04 — The station submitted an Application for a Permanent Licence to the Australian Broadcasting Authority. If all is in order we should be allocated the licence in February ’05.
9 October ’04 — The station had been using a secondhand link transmitter and receiver but this was causing problems so a new link and receiver were purchased for a cost of $4,800. This was installed and our reception and sound has improved beyond our expectations. It is a credit to our technical officer Rob O’Connor that we have such a good sound in the Valley.
8 October ’04 — Alpine Radio’s Youth Presenters received an Alpine Shire Youth Council Award for recognition and outstanding achievement in the Category of Community Involvement – Group. Congratulations to Annelei O’Connor, Simone Short, Mindy Stewart, Alice Bellingham, Sean Ryan, Latham Deans and Lee Schmaeger the youth presenters involved and to Angela Toniolo our youth committee convenor.
2 October ’04 — The first presenters meeting was held since the station was moved to its new location. A specially prepared Presenter’s Kit including a re-edited Presenters’ Handbook was distributed to better inform presenters of station procedures, policies, guidelines and to assist them to improve their presentation skills.
31 July ’04 — The Station’s Official Opening at its new location. This occured at a social function attended by members, sponsors and supporters at the new location (Alpine Discovery Centre Precinct on the Kiewa Valley Highway – Mount Beauty) by Alpine Shire CEO Doug Sharp. Doug was representing the Mayor Julie Carroll who was unable to attend.
10 July ’04 — The station installed a Computer Automation System that allows presenters to play all genres of music via the computer and MJM Solutions software called the MJM Player. Programs can be automated to play music, station IDs, sponsorships, CFA, SES, Health and Police messages for any period of time. Presenters can plan their programs using a networked computer in the office, save them and play them later on the studio computer.
26 June ’04 — In the week leading up to this day heaps of renovation work was done at the new site to get it to an occupiable level. The station was then moved from 26 Hollonds St Mount Beauty to our new home at the Alpine Discovery Centre Precinct. The mast from the roof was relocated the next day and the transmitter made operational at its new location 4km north of Mount Beauty at the Bogong Estate on Tuesday 29 June ’04.
26 May ’04 — A telephone – talkback unit was installed in the main studio and used for the first time allowing presenters to do on-air interviews over the telephone. Thanks to our sponsors of this unit: Dr Bill Sykes-MP for Benalla, Mt Beauty Medical Centre & the Bogong Outdoor Education Centre and to our station technicians who installed the unit – Rob O’Connor & Dick Puttyfoot.
4 May ’04 — The Alpine Shire announced that we had been successful with our application to gain occupancy of the old Kangaroo Hoppet Office next to the Alpine Discover Centre. We will be relocating the station from 26 Hollonds St to the new location in early July ’04. This means Alpine Radio will have a permanent home. We are grateful to the Shire for the ongoing support.
2 May ’04 — The transmitting mast from Mt Beauty Secondary College was relocated 4km north of town to the Bogong Estate on the corner of Mountain Creek Rd and Damms Rd. Thanks to Don, Bill & Helen Tynan for their generous offer to allow us to place the transmitting mast on their property. This will be used to re-transmit the signal from our new studio at the Alpine Discovery Centre Precinct to better improve the reception in Tawonga, Dederang, Bogong Village and Falls Creek. This is part of work in progress and the project is planned to be completed by early July ’04.
23 August ’03 — The station conducted its first broadcast from a rented shop at 26 Hollonds Street (main street) Mount Beauty
25 July ’02 — A Temporary Community Broadcasting Licence (TCBL) was allocated by the Australian Broadcasting Authority. Throughout 2002/03 regular mock street broadcasts, sessions at the local Country Club and general fundraising kept the project public. Bryan Pickthall and Mary Smith worked tirelessly with station promotion and fundraising during this period.
15 November ’01 — The organisation was incorporated as ‘ Kiewa Valley Community Radio Association Inc.‘ and would broadcast as ‘Alpine Radio 92.5 FM.‘
7 August ’01 — The community radio project was initiated by Mary Smith who called a public meeting to gauge community support. A steering committee was formed to follow through with the process. The Initial Committee comprised: Ken Reid (president), Isla Macleod (vice president), Paul L’Huillier (secretary), Bryan Pickthall (treasurer), Mary Smith (media & public releations), David Bower and Luke Addinsall. Technical Advisor: Rob O’Connor.